William Kidd, also known as ... Captain Kidd ... Was born in 1645 in Greenock, Renfrew, Scotland. He died on May 23, 1701 in London, England. Captain Kid was a ... 17th-Century Privateer ... and ... A Legendary Pirate who Became Celebrated as One of the Most Colourful Outlaws of All Time ... Fortune seekers have hunted his buried treasure in vain for several centuries. Captain Kidd’s early career is obscure. It is believed he went to sea as a young man ... In 1689 He Became a Legitimate Privateer for England Who Fought Against the French in the West Indies, and Off the Coast of North America ... By 1690 Kidd was an established sea captain and ... Shipowner ...Based in New York City ... where he owned property. He was sent to sea by ... New York and Massachusetts to Rid the Coast of Enemy Privateers, and Pirates ... In London in 1695 ... Captain Kidd ... received a royal commission to apprehend pirates who molested ... The ships of the East India Company ... In the Red Sea and in ...
The Indian Ocean ... Captain Kidd's ship was named ... The Adventure Galley ... On February 27, 1696, Kidd landed at Plymouth, and arrived in New York City on the fourth of July to take on more men. Kidd was dispatched by his benefactors to sail to ... The Comoro Islands Off East Africa ... He Arrived by February 1697 ... It was Quite Some Time After Kidd's Arrival that He Had Still Not Captured a Merchant Ship as a Privateer ... so He Decided to Go It Alone Which is When He Turned to Piracy ... In August 1697 Kidd made an unsuccessful attack on ships sailing with Mocha coffee from Yemen but later took several small ships. His refusal two months later to attack a Dutch ship nearly brought his crew to ... Mutiny ... and in an angry exchange ... Kidd Mortally Wounded His Gunner, William Moore ... Kidd took his most valuable prize ... The Armenian Ship ... Quedagh Merchant ... in January 1698 ... Then he Scuttled his Unseaworthy Ship the Adventure Galley ... When he reached Anguilla, in the West Indies in April of 1699 that Kidd Learned that he had been ... Denounced as a Pirate ... He left the island of Hispaniola where the ship ... Adventure Galley ... was possibly scuttled ... In any case, it disappeared, so Kidd continued to sail in ... The Quedagh Merchant ... with its questionable booty on board ... Kidd Decided to Purchase another ship named ... The Antonio ... Kidd Sailed his Newly Acquired Ship to New York City ... where he tried to persuade the earl of Bellomont, the colonial governor of New York, of his innocence ... Bellomont, However, Sent Kidd to England for Trial ... captain Kidd was found guilty on May 8th and 9th in 1701 for the murder of Moore and on five indictments of piracy. Many people believed important evidence concerning two of the piracy cases was suppressed at the trial ... Kidd was Hanged ... On ... May 23rd 1701 at Execution Dock, in Wapping, London ... He had to be hung twice because The Hangman's first rope broke and Kidd survived the first hanging ... But he Wasn't Lucky on the Second Try ... After his death his body was tarred and hung high in a metal cage ... To Rot for 3 Years ... as a detriment to ... Other Want to Be Pirates ... Many people questioned whether the evidence was sufficient for a guilty verdict. After his death ... Some of Kidd;s Treasure was Recovered From Gardiners Island Off Long Island ... Proceeds from Kidd's effects and goods were taken off the ... Antonio ... These were donated to charity. In The years that followed, the name of Captain Kidd has become inseparable from the romanticized concept of the Swashbuckling Pirates of Folk law.
... Piracy and Robbery ... Violent Action for Private That Ends Without Authorization from a Public Authority That is Committed on the Seas or in The Air Outside the Normal Jurisdiction of Any State is Against Maritime Laws ... Because piracy has been regarded as an offense against the law of nations, the public vessels of any state have been permitted to seize a pirate ship, to bring it into port, and to try the crew ... regardless of their nationality or domicile ... If they are found guilty, offenders will be punished and the ship can be confiscated ... According to International law ... Mutiny, and slave trading have been defined as piracy by national laws of various countries or by special treaties ... Piracy has Occurred Throughout History, And it is Still Prevalent Today ... In the ancient Mediterranean, piracy was often closely related to maritime commerce, and the Phoenicians appear to have engaged in both, as did ... The Greeks ... The Romans ... and the Carthaginians ... In the Middle Ages ... Vikings from the north and ... Moors from the south ... also engaged in piracy. The unemployed crew from these ships were often drawn into the service of ... Pirates ... A common source of piracy was the ... The Privateer ... This was the Captain of a privately owned and armed ship commissioned by a government to make reprisals, and gain reparations for specified offenses in time of peace, or to prey upon the enemy in times of war ... its officers and crew were granted a share of the plunder taken from captured vessels. After a war the temptation was too great to continue this profitable business without authorization. During the wars between England and Spain in the late 16th century, treasure-laden Spanish Galleons sailing from Mexico into the Caribbean were a natural target for privateers ... Thus The Distinction Between Privateering and Piracy Became Difficult to Draw ... In the late 20th century, pirates became the subject of serious historical inquiry. Some scholars portrayed pirate culture as a genuinely subversive and radical movement that defied the common distinctions of class and race and kept alive the dreams of 17th-century political radicals long after they had been defeated in England and elsewhere. Piracy also flourished in other regions. From the 16th to the 18th century, after the weakening of Turkish rule had resulted in the virtual independence of the ... Barbary States of North Africa ... Piracy became common in the Mediterranean. Morocco, Algiers, Tunis, and Tripoli all tolerated or even organized piracy that they came to be called ... Pirate States ... In the early 19th century these pirate states were suppressed by successive actions of American, British, and French forces. Although piracy declined dramatically in the19th century, the practice of ... Hijacking Ships and ... Airplanes ... developed into a new form of piracy in the late 20th century. The affinity between piracy and terrorism became of particular concern after the hijacking of the ... Achille Lauro cruise Liner ... by Militants in 1985 ... In the last decades of the 20th century, nautical piracy once again became prevalent in the seas of East and Southeast Asia and in Eastern Africa, where acts of piracy were committed by or in cooperation with criminal organizations involved in the smuggling ... Of Guns, Drugs, and Engaging in Other non-Legal Activities ... These Pirates Sometimes Operate Under the Protection of State Officials in Small Ports, who Received a Share of the illicit Profits ... An upsurge of attacks in waters off the coast of Africa, particularly Somalia, in 2008–09 included the hijacking of ships belonging to several countries. It led to the forcible intervention by the warships of several Navies. These events prompted the Western athorities to re-examine the unique problems of international jurisdiction posed by such incidents and to address themselves once more to historical lessons learned in the 18th century - above all, the necessity of deploying armed forces against ... Modern Day Pirates and Their Home Bases ...